holds the moon quan yin water temple
"What is the sharpest sword?
Each branch of coral holds up the moon."

Yunyan asked Daowu: “How does the Bodhisattva of Great Mercy use all those hands and eyes?”
Daowu said, “It’s like reaching behind you for a pillow in the night.”
Yunyan said, “I understand.”
“Really? What do you understand?”
“There are hands and eyes all over the body.”
Daowu said, “That’s nicely put, but it’s not the whole picture.”
Yunyan said, “How would you put it?”
Daowu said, “All through the body are hands and eyes.”
Blue Cliff Record, Case 89
bring me the rhinoceros and other zen koans that will save your life, John Tarrant, (Pacific Zen Institute)
“Water has a memory and carries within it our thoughts and prayers. As you yourself are water, no matter where you are, your prayers will be carried to the rest of the world.”
-Dr. Masaru Emoto
“In the old days there were sixteen bodhisattvas. When it was time to bathe they got into the bath together. Suddenly they realized the cause of water and said,“This subtle touch releases the brightness. We have become the sons and daughters of the Buddha.”
—Blue Cliff Record Case 78
(transl. by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland)