accountability, feedback, frequently asked questions, accessibility info & community guidelines

We welcome feedback as it helps us better understand the needs and experiences of our community, both what is working and feeling good and also where we can grow and learn. Testimonials can be one way of supporting us in sharing our work and helping with our overall sustainability and equity efforts,

In instances of conflict or harm we also recognize that it may not always feel safe to offer direct feedback and in some cases repair may be desired. We believe in Transformative Justice and Loving Justice as guiding frameworks of community accountability knowing that conflict and harm often arise in relationship.

If you have experienced harm and do not feel safe to address a practitioner, facilitator, or other participant directly, please fill out this anonymous feedback form with details. We appreciate and honor your feedback and will hold it with trusted council and if repair is requested we will seek to support as we have capacity.

I’d like to get more involved with the pool and learn about your various offerings, or propose an idea, where can I start?

For general inquiries we recommend you reach out to us via our google form below

Do you offer sliding scale or worktrade opportunities for your events?

Maintenance and upkeep of this Pool/Space depends on each of our contribution of work, resources, energy, time, skills and money. Need-based scaling and work exchange are happily considered and accepted. We are inspired by and seek to integrate what Braided Wisdom has referred to as their Restorative Economy framework:

"Mbali Marais said, "Sacred Reciprocity is a practice of mirroring Earth's blessings, abundance, and gratitude." It is a loving and joyful practice that invites people to consider their relationships with the world around them. Sacred Reciprocity asks each of us to contribute in a way that aligns with our ability and capacity, encouraging an exploration of our unique needs and a practice of meeting ourselves exactly where we are, with the benefit of others in mind. "

"The concept of ‘scholarships’ was born out of a response to the White Supremacist capitalist system. For many, receiving scholarships may engender shame, guilt, and embarrassment. We seek to decolonize this construct in our own organization by instead providing a “Community Building” tier in all of our events and programs where individuals who may be limited in their circumstances or financial capacity can consider paying a reduced amount to support their sustainability or we simply register them in a program or we may explore together another way that honors Sacred Reciprocity, be it through event volunteering, a delayed contribution, or an offering of other skills and resources. "

I’m a new aquatic practitioner looking to develop my practice, do you have offerings for student practitioners?

Yes please reach out to us via the inquiry form and we will loop you in to our practitioner specific offerings

What are some ways we can support your work?

We are always open to receiving donations, or other contributions that help us keep the temple and pool running such as grantwriting support, community workdays and offerings for our temple altars.

Where are you located?

We are based in the territory of Huchiun (occupied unceded Lisjan Ohlone land) otherwise known as East Oakland. We encourage those who come here to pay Shuumi Land Tax to support the rematriation of the lands and waters where we live and to support local Black & Indigenous community leadership:

Accessibility Info:

We are working on raising funds to one day make this an ADA accessible space, but currently there are stairs leading up to and into the pool. The bathroom (if facing the house from the pool) is down the pathway on the right side of the house and up several stairs as well.
If you or a participant for one of your events has mobility access needs, please be sure to arrange for a support person to be present to support with getting up the driveway, up the stairs and into the pool and also getting out of the pool and getting home safely as it is not always guaranteed that temple stewards will be present or available to assist. We will do our best to support as we have capacity.

Holds the Moon Quan Yin Water Temple

Community Agreements


(regularly updated/revised, please READ IN FULL)

This pool, sometimes called the Holds the Moon Quan Yin Temple & Water Dragon Pool, is a sacred healing space, an outdoor Temple, under the redwoods in the warm-water, loving embrace of Quan Yin (the goddess-bodhisattva of mercy and compassion, embodied in your own inner capacity for merciful touch) in the village of Huchiun (occupied unceded Lisjan Ohlone territory) otherwise known as East Oakland.

1. Being in this place, we use inside voices. (Silence or quiet conversation only, please be mindful of our neighbors)

2. For health and safety, we all shower with soap before entering the pool and wear bathing suits out of respect and community care for the families who live next door. If you are sick please stay home (we strongly encourage that people test for COVID before coming).

3. You are welcome to pee in the shower with the water running, please don't in the garden or anywhere else other than the bathroom. If you have had diarrhea within the last two weeks, please hold off before coming to the pool.

4. This is a shared community space and also a shared home, not a private party.

5. Each of us is responsible for our own safety and wellness, if conflict or crisis arises please let one of the temple co-stewards know.

6. We understand that photos and videos may be taken by others in the pool area, or even by neighbors, and consent and release any claim or rights consent to photos taken being used by pool management or the leader(s) of any particular session/event to promote pool activities (there are neighbors and we cannot guarantee privacy.) The leader(s) of any session/event may specify "no video/photos" by participants of any particular event. But if a photo or video does surface, Holds the Moon has no liability or duty related to any participant(s) image appearing in such photos or videos in any forum or electronic platform.

7. There is "No Lifeguard on Duty."

8. Being in this Place, we are respectful of the space and others. We clean up after ourselves and put things back where they were. No excessively dirty feet or shoes on deck (wear the flip flops if you like—the deck can get hot!) & please NO GLASS in or around the pool area

9. Please refrain from taking mind-altering drugs, plant/psychedelic medicines, or alcohol in or before entering the pool.

10. No sexual activity (no making out, genital contact, etc.) in the temple pool or on the property. This is a shared community space in an urban backyard: assume you are in public and have zero privacy. This includes not hitting on people or trying to pick them up for sex or romance. If that’s your agenda, please communicate about it outside the temple pool property.

11. Keep your communications in the temple pool 100% consensual. USE YOUR “NO” IF YOU DO NOT WANT TO COMMUNICATE OR ENGAGE WITH SOMEONE. And be willing to hear “no” from others. No is a great gift, a boundary. Boundaries are true human connection. Respect and enjoy them. Clear separation can be clear connection, the place where we meet. If you experience any consent or boundary violations, please let one of the temple co-stewards know.

12. Please be aware of your own unmet needs and desires. Notice when you are unconsciously acting out in response to them. Please express—or manage—them appropriately and respectfully. Not at the Temple pool.

13. Maintenance and upkeep of this Pool/Space depends on each of our contribution of work, resources, energy, time, skills and money. Need-based scaling and work exchange are also happily considered and accepted. We are inspired by and seek to integrate what Braided Wisdom has referred to as their Restorative Economy framework:

"Mbali Marais said, "Sacred Reciprocity is a practice of mirroring Earth's blessings, abundance, and gratitude." It is a loving and joyful practice that invites people to consider their relationships with the world around them. Sacred Reciprocity asks each of us to contribute in a way that aligns with our ability and capacity, encouraging an exploration of our unique needs and a practice of meeting ourselves exactly where we are, with the benefit of others in mind. "

"The concept of ‘scholarships’ was born out of a response to the White Supremacist capitalist system. For many, receiving scholarships may engender shame, guilt, and embarrassment. We seek to decolonize this construct in our own organization by instead providing a “Community Building” tier in all of our events and programs where individuals who may be limited in their circumstances or financial capacity can consider paying a reduced amount to support their sustainability or we simply register them in a program or we may explore together another way that honors Sacred Reciprocity, be it through event volunteering, a delayed contribution, or an offering of other skills and resources. "