February & March at Holds the Moon Quan Yin Water Temple
“Ancestor Ma was sick. The superintendent of the monastery asked him, “How are you feeling these days?”
The Ancestor said, “Sun Face Buddha, Moon Face Buddha.”
—Blue Cliff Record Case 3 (translation by John Tarrant & Joan Sutherland, titled Ma’s Sun Face, Moon Face Buddha)
Greetings, beloved community!
As we celebrate the first full moon of this New Lunar Year (the Year of the Yin Wood Snake) and witness the seasons shift toward the coming Spring Equinox, we reflect on what seeds we have planted and are planting now, for our personal and collective transformation, and align more deeply with our path and purpose, the rhythms of the earth and moon, the ebb and flow of their tides. We give thanks for the ways the water continually teaches us about centering in the river of our life and the importance of cultivating spaces of healing and sanctuary as the world around us intensifies. We look forward to seeing you soon in the temple for meditation & healing.
-James Ji-shin Anthony & Seh-reum Tom, Temple Co-stewards
water babies: a monthly queer circle
Intro to Aquatic Peer-to-Peer Bodywork Class (Triad Round)
FEBRUARY 15, 22, 29, MARCH 1, 8, 15, 29 · 10 AM-1 PM
clarity, consent & curiosity: aquatic container culture & care pt. 1
*while this is a workshop offered as a requirement for new facilitators & practitioners before sharing their practice here in the temple, it is also open to any participants who are interested in embodied consent practices within aquatic work
(This workshop is influenced and inspired by the Wheel of Consent® as developed by Dr. Betty Martin. We have trained with the School of Consent and have permission to share these practices, but are not yet certified facilitators. For more information visit www.schoolofconsent.org.)
clarity, consent & curiosity: aquatic container culture & care pt. 2
MARCH 16 · 2-5 PM
*while this is a workshop offered as a requirement for new facilitators & practitioners before sharing their practice here in the temple, it is also open to any participants who are interested in embodied consent practices within aquatic work
(This workshop is influenced and inspired by the Wheel of Consent® as developed by Dr. Betty Martin. We have trained with the School of Consent and have permission to share these practices, but are not yet certified facilitators. For more information visit www.schoolofconsent.org.)
ancestors returning: a monthly BIPOC/PGM circle
FERBUARY 21 · 6-9 PM
Water Dragon Sangha Koan Meditation Salon (free/dana based)
FEBRUARY 22, MARCH 22 · 9-10 AM
creative wellspring: a monthly experimental group
FEBRUARY 24 · 6-9 PM
the water remembers us: a monthly QTBIPOC/PGM circle
FEBRUARY 28 · 6-9 PM
Intro to Shared Aquatic Bodywork Connection & Dance (age 55+)
MARCH 11, 25 · 10 AM - 1 PM
Keep an eye out for more monthly offerings emerging this spring including a Grief Circle, a Post-Ceremony Somatic Integration Support Circle, a Birthworkers Circle and an offering combining the Art of Circling® with aquatic work, and also a new active beehive in the front
For 1:1, 2:2, or 2:1 aquatic bodywork sessions, you may book with James and Seh-reum here on Acuity
If you are interested in receiving discounted sessions from student practitioners, or if you yourself are a new practitioner interested in joining our practice groups, or for general inquiries, please fill out our google form here.
We are diligently working toward our goals for this year and are open to receiving community support toward them:
to continue making the temple more accessible for community members with mobility access needs, including remodeling the garage to have an accessible bathroom and kitchen, and to be an expanded dry-land temple gathering meditation space, apothecary & teahouse;
getting grant funding to subsidize our discounted community offerings and worktrade program to continue to make the pool more financially accessible;
supporting training for those who historically have had less access to aquatic work;
updating & developing community accountability, safety, emergency preparedness protocols
urban beekeeping and further care for the temple garden
Many hands & hearts make this work possible and we thank you for supporting us in all the ways you do! We welcome donations to help us sustain our work in the seasons to come so we can continue to offer this as a sacred space of refuge in these times of great collective uncertainty and possibility.
with love,
Seh-reum & James at Holds the Moon Temple